QuiAri Promoter, Milagros Herrera who is originally from Peru, believes wholeheartedly that personal success in Network Marketing comes from following the actions of successful people.
She has been living in Spain for the past 25 years and has recently joined QuiAri.
“I jumped into Network Marketing a long time ago and had no clue how to grow my business. I looked to see what some of the biggest industry leaders were doing to grow their businesses.
I was most impressed with Bob Reina, who is QuiAri’s Founder & CEO. Like most of us, he had a typical 9-to-5 job and wanted to earn extra income so he joined an MLM company.
Now he’s one of the most successful owners in the industry. That’s my ultimate dream as a QuiAri Promoter – to learn from Bob and follow in his footsteps,”
stated QuiAri Promoter, Milagros Herrera.
Milagros recently joined QuiAri after attending a meeting hosted by Champion Promoter, Walter Suarez in Spain. After getting to know Walter and learning about the Products and Opportunity, she was excited to get started.
“QuiAri was everything Walter promised and more. The Products include breakthrough ingredients, the Opportunity has one of the highest payouts I’ve ever seen, and