Wor(l)d Global Netwerk Distributors Drive Away In SuperCars

WOR(l)D Global Network has been lighting up the industry in the past months with announcements of exciting bonuses.
One such bonus, the SuperCar Bonus, ended recently at the end of May 2017. To qualify for this bonus, distributors must have hit the rank of President Millionaire four consecutive times, a difficult feat for even the most experienced of network marketers.
Impressively, five WOR(l)D distributors qualified to receive this incredible bonus, and two of these distributors received their SuperCars at the WOR(l)D International Convention in Bangkok, Thailand*.
Thai President Millionaires Wachiramet Nittiwatachthada and Phanawat Lapsamphan each earned the car of their dreams: a Mercedes-AMG for Mr. Nittiwatachthada and a Porsche Cayman for Mr. Lapsamphan.
The three other SuperCar winners will receive their gorgeous new cars at the President’s Experience event at the end of June, in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.
Double President Millionaire Romacio Fulcher will receive a Lamborghini Aventador, as well as power couple and Grand President Millionaire Chad and Nattida Chong, a Lamborghini Aventador even for them!.
Global Master Distributors and Grand President Millionaire Nat and Chanida Puranaputra will receive an amazing Rolls-Royce Phantom.
Lamborghini Aventador
Because of the great success of the SuperCar bonus, CEO Fabio Galdi decided to find another excellent way to reward WOR(l)D’s top


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