LiveSmart 360 – Out Of Business

One of the most important basics for a Direct Selling Company: Does the CEO have MLM – Network marketing field leadership experience?. If not, it rarely will be a succesfull journey….
In March 2015 we reported LiveSmart360 was in trouble: Leaders not paid, vendors not paid, employee lay-offs.
Chuck Hallberg, an investor without MLM field leader experience, and CEO, took over in Early 2014 replacing Founder Mark McCool. Contrary to the statement provided to us by the Company, this transition was not peaceful.
According to an email to the distributors:

“It is with deep regret that we write to formally inform you of the permanent closure of all LiveSmart 360 & Sora Wellness business operations.
We have had a long history within our industry and have forged many friendships and invaluable partnerships around the world; but have since found it impossibly


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