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How to use Snapchat to sell your products to Gen Z

Originally written by brianskewes on Small Business
Every few weeks, an article appears that claims Snapchat is dead. Generally, these articles use some recent piece of news – the fact that Snapchat just got blocked in Saudi Arabia, for instance, or a report that apps like LinkedIn and Snapchat will be short-lived – to claim that the Snapchat bubble is on the verge of bursting.
These conclusions are all wrong.
For many marketing professionals, especially those above the age of 30 or so, the world of Snapchat is a strange, bewildering place. If you don’t use the app regularly, how can you start to use it for advertising
Buckle in. We’ll show you how.
>See also: How to get 1,000 followers on your small business Instagram
Why Snapchat is great (for advertising)
First, the basics. The primary value of Snapchat can be summed up in one statistic: the app reaches 90 per cent of those between the ages of 13 and 24 in the United States. In addition, the platform is growing, adding 9m daily active users in the second quarter of 2020, and boosting quarterly revenue by 17 per cent. Today, over 238m people use Snapchat daily.
These numbers, on their own, are enough to recognise why