Tag Archive for Seldia

Paul Jarvis Appointed As Seldia Chairman – The European DSA

Originally, a banker, Paul Jarvis moved into direct sales in 1995 when a client asked him to support the launch of a direct sales company in Russia.
In 2006, Paul decided to pursue an interest in the development sector in East Africa, and in 2012, he participated in the launch of the company Organo Gold, a business selling coffee by direct sales into Europe, which he started in over 20 regional markets.
Since 2016, as COO of the Juice Plus Company, Paul has been leading its EMEA strategy to historical growth.
Paul’s vision for Seldia revolves around three key projects:
Working with the European Commission and other relevant EU stakeholders to ensure a favorable legislative environment for our sector, especially for the social selling model, that protects the direct selling model as a unique model in the digital marketing environment.
Promoting the industry to a younger generation as a viable “uber”esque opportunity with campaigns that demonstrate how our industry is at the forefront of social selling, and addressing the millennial generation expectations regarding work and lifestyle balance.
Harmonizing the national direct selling associations and modernizing their functioning towards digital technologies.
As the newly elected Seldia Chairman, Paul would like to express gratitude to Thomas Stoffmehl, the previous


Seldia Appoints Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl New Chairman

Seldia, the leading European Direct Selling Association, has a new chairman.
At their annual meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, October 5th 2016, the members elected Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl, CEO of the international direct selling company LR Health & Beauty with its headquarter in Germany, as Chairman for the next two years.
“I am looking forward to this exciting new task. Seldia is well-prepared for the upcoming challenges and enjoys high acceptance among the decision-makers in Brussels. Therefore, we have to actively represent our members’ interests and set standards for the industry,” stated Dr. Thomas Stoffmehl.
14.5 million people in Europe are involved in direct selling. This makes Europe the third-largest market for this business model after the US, also giving it a high relevance on the job market.
“Given the great challenges that many European countries


Seldia’s European Direct Selling Conference Attended By 200

The European Direct Selling Association, Seldia recently held its 5th annual European Direct Selling Conference in Brussels. The theme of the conference was “Direct Selling, an OMNI channel of distribution”.
The conference was attended by a record 200 participants from Europe, USA, Russia, Kazakhstan, South America, as well as an important official Chinese delegation interested to learn more about the direct selling regulations in Europe.
In parallel, over 20 Service Provider companies exhibited their products and services to the participants, adding a professional dimension to the conference.  The one day program featured two panels and four workshops.
In his opening speech Seldia Chairman and CEO of Oriflame Magnus Brännström highlighted the constant growth of the industry and noted that according to an independent external survey, Seldia was perceived as a reputed and credible organization in Brussels.  

Guest speaker


European DSA Appoints New Exec Director

The European Direct Selling Association (Seldia) has announced the appointment of Katarina Molin as its new Executive Director.  
Katarina Molin is of Swedish nationality and has extensive EU policy and communications experience. Before joining Seldia, she worked as Director General for the Association for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE). She has also previously worked as Environmental Strategy Manager for Hewlett Packard and as policy adviser in the European Parliament.
Ms Molin will manage the Seldia office and will oversee the association’s advocacy policy and actions to ensure that direct selling continues to be acknowledged as a trustworthy channel of distribution offering unique independent business opportunities to men and women without any distinction.

Katarina Molin comments: “I am delighted to join Seldia. I look forward to actively engage with EU policy-makers and other stakeholders


Spanish Direct Selling Sector Generates 634 Million Euros In 2014

The turnover of the Direct Selling sector in Spain has grown 7.8% in 2014 despite the economic crisis, says the report presented this month by the Spanish Direct Selling Association (AVD). The organization, which represents 3/4 of the sector, has published a report defining a leap in the Spanish Direct Selling market with new trends and profiles.
In 2014 direct selling companies in Spain generated 634 million euros, compared with 588 million last year, with an increase of 8.7% in the number of purchase orders, reaching 5.1 million orders in 2014. The report also confirms the trend of more young women becoming entrepeneurs in this sector.
It is estimated that each year around 9.3 million people invest in products from the direct selling industry in Spain with the number steadily increasing. However, this number is


PartyLite Named Best Direct-Selling Company In Europe 2014

European direct sales association Seldia has selected PartyLite as the best European direct selling company in 2014. During the association’s annual conference in Brussels/Belgium in early October, Martin Köhler, PartyLite President Europe, accepted the prestigious ASTRA award from Seldia’s chairman & CEO of Swedish company Oriflame, Magnus Brännström.
In paying tribute to the winner, Brännström highlighted the strong similarities between the PartyLite business model and the goals Seldia works hard to achieve: primarily the promotion and further development of the direct sales model across Europe including the social welfare and economic aspects for direct sales professionals, especially the active support of career opportunities for women. In addition, the chairman also praised the enormous support of Seldia itself by PartyLite Europe with regard to the growing digitalisation.
Aside from the big win for PartyLite, Spanish member of the European Parliament, Teresa Jimenez, was also recognised with an ASTRA (Personality of the Year) for her active support of Seldia’s platform for female entrepreneurs, as well as the UK DSA which received the Best Direct Selling Association of the Year Astra Award.
Headquartered in Brussels, Seldia represents the direct sales industry within the European Union and counts 28 European direct selling associations (DSAs), out of which