Tag Archive for Ryan Higgins

Ryan Higgins – TruVision Health – Achieves $160,000 Per Month In Commission

On the tails of TruVision Health‘s record breaking month, Ryan Higgins (a top-earner for TruVision Health) achieves a new rank of 8 Star Director and collects the largest commission check in TruVision Health’s history.
Ryan Higgins, a father of 4 from Slidell LA, has been an Associate of TruVision Health since July of 2014. In the past 3.5 years, Ryan has exceeded the expectations of TruVision Health and continues to push the limits of the compensation plan.
January, 2018 — Ryan is the first to achieved the rank of 8 STAR Director (the highest rank of TVH) and earned over $160,000 in monthly commissions.
“I am successful but I get more joy out of my team’s success and their phone calls to me, all excited about achieving new ranks, feeling better, or just having more freedom.”
– Ryan Higgins
Coming from a background in screen printing & apparel, Ryan has created a comfortable living in the Network Marketing industry by building a team with a strong foundation and showing exceptional leadership skills. He has an organization of over 10,000 Associates, majority of which know him on a personal level. He is an instant friend to anyone that he meets and a dedicated leader to