Tag Archive for Rank Advancements

ByDzyne’s Marcell Rodriguez from Ecuador Achieves Crown Rank

At the tail end of an extended evening of leadership training, strategizing, and vision casting, ByDzyne’s Marcell Rodriguez, who had just secured his status as the company’s latest rising phenom by becoming a 3-Star President, felt in his spirit to aim higher.
He just knew he could achieve more, manufacture even more time and financial freedom for those under his watch, and cement his legacy in the industry for generations to come. 
So, on that memorable November 10th night of last year, the Ecuadorian leader drafted and signed a personal written agreement on a big sheet of white construction paper, confidently declaring that come March of 2022, he would achieve the elusive Crown rank. 
With Chad and Nattida Chong, ByDzyne’s cofounders, as his witness, he proclaimed his intention and his destiny. And now, not even five months later Marcell Rodriguez has lived up to his word and has become ByDzyne’s newest Crown. 
* A Crown generates between $1-2 million in sales revenue during a two-week span. 
“Reaching this historic milestone means I have played a part in helping thousands of people around the world earn amounts of money they would have never imagined earning! It has meant elimination of debt and an improvement in


El ecuatoriano Marcell Rodríguez de ByDzyne alcanza el rango de la corona

Al final de una larga noche de formación en liderazgo, elaboración de estrategias y definición de visiones, Marcell Rodríguez, de ByDzyne, que acababa de asegurar su estatus como el último fenómeno emergente de la compañía al convertirse en presidente de 3 Estrellas, sintió en su espíritu la necesidad de apuntar más alto.
Sabía que podía lograr más, fabricar aún más tiempo y libertad financiera para los que estaban bajo su mando, y cimentar su legado en la industria para las generaciones venideras. 
Así, en aquella memorable noche del 10 de noviembre del año pasado, el mandatario ecuatoriano redactó y firmó un acuerdo personal por escrito en una gran hoja de papel de construcción blanco, declarando con seguridad que en marzo de 2022 alcanzaría el esquivo rango de Corona. 
Con Chad y Nattida Chong, cofundadores de ByDzyne, como testigos, proclamó su intención y su destino. Y ahora, ni siquiera cinco meses después, Marcell Rodríguez ha cumplido su palabra y se ha convertido en el nuevo Corona de ByDzyne. 
* Un Corona genera entre 1 y 2 millones de dólares en facturación por ventas durante un periodo de dos semanas. 
“Alcanzar este hito histórico significa que he contribuido a que miles de personas de todo el


OmegaPro Korea Tops The Charts With 3 New Black Diamond Rank Achievers

OmegaPro Korea has had monumental success with three new Black Diamond rank achievers just announced.
Geuncheol Kim, Baek II Soon, along with Jayong & Dani have reached this prestigious rank and have all provided a statement exclusively for the Business for Home audience.
Geunchol Kim said:
“Change Your Life, Build Your Success. Build Your Legacy. We Are the OmegaPro Family. Change your life, build wealth through success, leave a legacy.
We are the Omega family. This is our motto and we will devote ourselves to the OmegaPro business by engraving the company’s slogan deeply in our hearts”
Baek II Soon said:
“Omegapro is the world’s best MLM business that combines excellent finance and IT. It also brings abundance to the lives of people around the world.”
Jayong & Dani said:
“I came to know about Omega Pro around July 2020. The more I got to learn and understand about the company, the stronger my trust and confidence became.
I believe it is the only company that can transform the poor into the rich. I bow my head and pay tribute to the founders who founded the company.”
About OmegaPro
The mission of OmegaPro is to deliver a secure world class trading experience to all clients – both retail


Shane McCardle Achieves Black Diamond Rank At The Happy Co.

Shane McCardle was a hard-working commissioned sales rep. living in Vancouver, British Columbia, constantly feeling the tug between spending more time with his young daughter and earning more income.
He was introduced to network marketing and saw the concept validated with his first paycheck of $7. While $7 was not a lot of money, it was an EXTRA $7. And the lightbulb immediately came on.
“I can keep my job and earn EXTRA money with my network marketing business,” Shane realized.
For two years he slowly built his monthly check to more than $1,500 per month, but always felt like the 5% commissions he was earning on Customer purchases never seemed adequate.
A friend gave him a call, telling him about a new company with a product called “Happy Coffee” that paid much higher commissions for gathering Customers. Shane’s friend didn’t realize it at the time, but Shane was experiencing serious difficulties in his personal life.
Although Shane wasn’t a coffee drinker, within 20 minutes of drinking the Happy Coffee, he literally saw his dreams illuminate on his car’s windshield. Shane knew the mental clarity and nearly euphoric optimism he was experiencing was a gift he needed to share with the world.
He resigned his


Mauricio Vattuone From Peru Achieves Black Diamond Rank At OmegaPro

For Mauricio Vattuone, attaining Black Diamond rank isn’t his biggest achievement. According to him, it’s the growth of his team “Momentum Pro.” 
“My team within OmegaPro is called Momentum Pro, and thus far we have created many new millionaires, having helped more than 25 people attain their financial freedom from over 20 countries around the world.
That accomplishment is my biggest achievement, and far more satisfying than achieving Black Diamond, which itself is beyond words!”
Mauricio shares his advice for those seeking to work as a professional rather than amateur.
“Regardless of your age or background, you can have success with OmegaPro. I’ve seen people ranging from 18 to over 60 have put to practice the effort required to change their lives.
They chose to go the professional route which is one of two speeds, the other being amateur. Momentum Pro is made up of professionals who connect to the system and follow their mentors’ advice and they work without fail.
Through this, leaders are born which is a role anyone wishing for Black Diamond success must take on.”
Mr. Vattuone has no intentions on slowing down, and according to him the team that started with a few and now crosses the globe is


Young Living Appoints Lyndi Smith As Chief Marketing Officer

Young Living, the world’s leading provider of essential oils, today announced that Lyndi Smith has returned to Young Living in her new role as Chief Marketing Officer.
Lyndi’s role includes overseeing story, brand, and experience at Young Living by using communication strategies and creating marketing content. She is entrepreneurial-minded and has extensive experience in mentoring individuals and teams.
Founder Mary Young said:
“We are excited to welcome Lyndi back to Young Living as a part of our creative marketing team.Lyndi is well integrated into our culture, and has a sound understanding of our legacy and brand. She has always been a fundamental part of our success”
Lyndi has over 20 years of marketing and communications experience. She started at Young Living in 2001 and worked her way up to Senior Vice President of Global Marketing before leaving in 2021 to tend to family needs. She graduated from Utah Valley University in 2013 with her Bachelors of Science in Business Management.
Lyndi will be working with the marketing team at Young Living to develop brand and creative services, global communications, global content marketing, and global events. She’ll be in charge of developing and executing marketing strategies and vision to support Young Living’s goals while driving brand


Quini Amores Achieves Black Diamond Rank At Success Factory

Raised near the pristine waters of the Mediterranean, Quini Amores has always been a big dreamer. Owning a flourishing catering business and restaurants in Spain – his businesses were booming, giving him financial stability for years ahead. But this was the year 2008 – and a recession was about to hit the market.
The fallout led him to lose his most treasured possessions and the life he had worked so hard for in achieving. Needing to look for other resources, he joined an MLM conference in 2010 and has been a top earner in the industry since.
“Unforgettable” was Quini Amores’s description when he received his Black diamond rank status at Success Factory.
The magic that’s developed in his life, he says, has all been because of Success Factory’s community. This achievement would not have been possible without the company’s mentoring, implementation of core values, guidance, and support of his mentors.
“I’m happy to thank my mentors, Andreea Cimbala, Igor Alberts, and the founding members at Success Factory, who have created something wonderful as a company and as a vision.
They’ve enriched my life in all senses, whether it be professional or personal – I feel like Success Factory is the company where I’ve


Kimberly And Lisa Greene Achieve Black Diamond Rank At The Happy Co.

“I know you want to lose weight and need some extra money while you’re in school. You should try this.”
That was the fortuitous phone call Kimberly Greene received from a friend.
“[My friend] was right,” says Kim, who at the time had quit her job to work toward a master’s degree.
“And it goes to prove you don’t have to have the perfect script. It’s about connection and relationships, and the trust we had in that friend who introduced us to ‘happy coffee.’”
Not only did Kimberly lose 60 pounds, she also made more money sharing The Happy Co. products than she ever did as a medical social worker. Kim’s wife, Lisa, had recently retired from the Air Force, and as Kim’s business took off, Lisa quickly turned from supporter to co-business owner, investing in the goals and growth of the business.
Kimberly, Lisa and Zoey
The New Braunfels, Texas, couple live with 10-year-old daughter, Zoey, their golden doodle and two cats.
“When we started this business, we were excited to make enough money to pay the car payment while Kim was in school,” says Lisa.
“Soon, we made enough to pay all of the household bills and start paying off debt.
Our focus now is


ByDzyne’s Gustavo Salinas Becomes First 2-Star Crown and Makes History

Toppling every major record set before him since he joined ByDzyne in late 2020, Gustavo Salinas has trailblazed the standard yet again. Shattering even his own expectations, the Ecuadorian superstar has become the company’s first 2-Star Crown.  
* A 2-Star Crown generates between $2 – $4 million in sales revenue during a two-week span. 
Tremendously motivated by his deep faith and innate desire to serve others, sacrifice for his team, and leave a positive imprint on the world, this historic achievement is about so much more for Gustavo.
From a fledgling journey that began just eight years ago when he led meetings of only six people in the living room at his father’s house, to becoming a modern-day network marketing icon and influencing thousands in the industry and beyond, the young superstar is living his dream. A dream he believes is from the Lord, and meant for the prosperity of others. 
“I feel incredibly grateful and truly blessed in becoming the company’s first 2-Star Crown.
And it’s not only for the money or for the recognition, but rather for what it truly represents—it means that people in my team are changing their lives for the better,
that leaders are growing and becoming the


Gustavo Salinas, de ByDzyne, se convierte en el primer Corona 2 Estrellas y hace historia

Superando todos los grandes récords establecidos antes de él desde que se unió a ByDzyne a finales de 2020, Gustavo Salinas ha vuelto a marcar la pauta. Superando incluso sus propias expectativas, la superestrella ecuatoriana se ha convertido en el primer Corona 2 Estrellas de la compañía.  
* Una Corona 2 Estrellas genera entre 2 y 4 millones de dólares en facturación por ventas durante un periodo de dos semanas. 
Tremendamente motivado por su profunda fe y su deseo innato de servir a los demás, sacrificarse por su equipo y dejar una huella positiva en el mundo, este logro histórico supone mucho más para Gustavo.
Desde un viaje incipiente que comenzó hace sólo ocho años, cuando dirigía reuniones de sólo seis personas en la sala de estar de la casa de su padre, hasta convertirse en un icono moderno del marketing de redes e influir en miles de personas en la industria y más allá, la joven superestrella está viviendo su sueño. Un sueño que cree que viene del Señor y que está destinado a la prosperidad de los demás. 
“Me siento increíblemente agradecido y verdaderamente bendecido al convertirme en el primer Corona 2 Estrellas de la compañía. Y
no es sólo por