Tag Archive for MLM Lawsuits

Is The DSA Still Relevant?

The USA Direct Selling Association (DSA) describes its role as “the national trade association for companies that offer entrepreneurial opportunities to independent sellers to market and sell products and services, typically outside of a fixed retail establishment”.
Lately several CEO’s and distributors are having doubts about the DSA added value while consumer watchdogs like TINA are plain negative.
Ramin Mesgarlou CEO – Global Wealth Trade and the Forensic Networker’s opinion:
One after one DSA companies fall to FTC, Vemma being the latest one. Herballife, Amway, ACN and many more are constantly being challenged or taken down by FTC for being an illegal pyramid so DSA needs to be asked this ONE important questions and that is

“Is DSA Still Relevant? “

We were part of DSA in 2008 and pulled out because quickly I realize they were more of


TelexFree Fraud Victims Can Now File Claims Online

An online claim site is now live for victims of the TelexFree Inc. fraud.
Participants in the scheme, who number nearly 2 million and live in virtually every country in the world, can log in to the website telexfreeclaims.com and file claims for alleged losses, according to the bankruptcy trustee in the case.
The deadline for filing a claim is Sept. 26, although any payments will likely take much longer.
TelexFree, formerly based in Marlborough and Brazil, is believed to be the largest Ponzi scheme of all time, in terms of the number of people affected. The company, which nominally sold Internet phone service, grew into a vast global investment swindle, prosecutors have alleged, with investors believing they had $3 billion in their accounts.
TelexFree filed for federal bankruptcy protection two years ago. The company’s two


Bonofa Management Arrested In Germany For $100 Million Fraud

According to an article in the German paper saarbruecker-zeitung the Bonofa management is arrested for an up to $100 million + fraud around Bonofa and Alpha Pool.
Master distributor Christian Goebel who lives on Ibiza – Spain was not immidiately available for a statement.
Founders Detlef Tilgenkamp (63), Thomas Kulla (54), Gernot Fuhr (60) and Martin Böhm (38) were last week arrested.
The google translation of the German news article:
Arrested Managers were the focus of financial investigation.
Established under a large raid in Saarland (Germany) financial jugglers celebrated on the Internet as “ingenious founders”
The four detained managers have since 2014 trouble with the Financial Supervisory. In addition to gang-fraud being investigated for breaches of the Banking Act.
After a major raid in which four financial jugglers were arrested, were more details on the activities of the


Youngevity Vs. Wakaya Perfection Law Suit – Amended Complaint

The Youngevity Complaint seeks damages and injunctive relief, alleging that Wakaya Perfection intentionally interfered with Youngevity’s existing and prospective business relationships, and converted Youngevity’s proprietary business information for use in developing Wakaya’s nascent business.
Wakaya was formed by a small group of former Youngevity distributors and executives who broke from Youngevity in 2015.
Youngevity filed an Amended Complaint and documented the case with 300 pages.
A summary of the complaint:
From 1997 until March of 2016, Todd Smith was a top level Youngevity distributor. Wakaya is a multi-level marketing company that competes directly with Youngevity.
Through improper and unlawful means, and trade on the trust and confidence of their prominent Youngevity positions, Wakaya’s owners, operators, and promoters (all of whom were affiliated with Youngevity as officers, employees, or top level distributors) have interfered with and injured Youngevity’s business


OneCoin CEO Ruja Ignatova Statement On China Rumors

According to an anti-network marketing website a few OneCoin members in China are arrested and that website is publishing the news if the whole company is in trouble. They also mention a scheduled event in China is cancelled.
The people arrested are a few individuals who were primary in illegal fundraising and represented crypto currency somehow.
I have reached out to OneCoin CEO Ruja Ignatova and the management and they stated as follow:
“Of course we know about the challenges of an economy like China.
Cryptocurrency is extremely successful as the Chinese are well known as embracing innovations. So OneCoin is pushing hard and already working on several licenses to enhance the business in China.
Dr. Ruja Ignatova and OneCoin management have invited 2,500 Chinese members to Macau on the 9th of May. This


Network Marketing In India

India and network marketing, a sleeping Giant is awakening.
Although India is the home of 1.3 billion people with over 50% youth population and the 3rd largest economy (PPP) in the world, Multi-Level Marketing is only one billion dollar in annual sales in India and growth is stagnant.
Lack of clarity in law and countless Money Chain/Ponzy schemes are responsible for the same. But Legalization process of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) in India is getting completed now. MLM started in India by European major Oriflame in 1995. 
Although Direct Selling was legal as per the Indian law, Multi-Level Marketing often confused with Money Chain, which is banned by Prize Chit & Money Circulation Schemes (banning) Act, 1978. Many Fly by Night operators mushroomed in India in the name of MLM in the last decade.
Situation became critical


Youngevity Files Suit Against Wakaya Perfection


Youngevity International, Corp. (YGYI) filed suit against Wakaya Perfection, LLC, a competing direct network marketing enterprise that began operations in 2016 and individuals involved in aiding and abetting Wakaya in the commission of tortious acts against Youngevity.
The Youngevity Complaint seeks damages and injunctive relief, alleging that Wakaya intentionally interfered with Youngevity’s existing and prospective business relationships, and converted Youngevity’s proprietary business information for use in developing Wakaya’s nascent business.
Wakaya was formed by a small group of former Youngevity distributors and executives who broke from Youngevity in 2015.
According to Youngevity’s Complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California, the fledgling Wakaya venture secured products and investors at Youngevity’s expense through improper cross-recruiting practices, deliberate breaches of employment agreements, and targeted efforts encouraging other distributors to breach


Vemma Sales Up 65%

Vemma has filed his quarterly report to the USA court.
The two big takeaways from this report is that sales since November are up 65% and Vemma would be profitable if it wasn’t for the debt the receiver created for the company.
I have a lot of respect for BK Boreyko, Vemma’s CEO. It is a General who lost 95% of his resources, revenue and troops, is under heavy fire, refuses to surrender and makes progress. “Never quit” is often a slogan in Network Marketing, BK Boreyko deserves the “Never quit” award
Despite the significant operational obstacles, 2,985 new Customers and 25 new Affiliates have joined Vemma since the company restarted its operations on October 8, 2015.
As described in detail in the Corporate Defendants’ Quarterly Report Dated:
The Temporary Receiver’s shutdown of worldwide


MLM Companies Cannot Require Their Participants To Buy Inventory

Thomas Ritter is an associate attorney at Thompson Burton. His practice area focuses primarily on business transactions and direct selling law. As MLM attorney has published an awesome article about the “Pay to Play” dilemma in MLM or Network Marketing.
The short version: Companies cannot require their participants to buy inventory as a condition to participation…..
Thomas Ritter:
“When I sense a gap in the industry’s understanding on an issue, I see it as an opportunity to learn more and write content that sets the record straight.
I’ve been fielding a lot of questions lately on the subject of whether a company can require monthly product purchases as a condition for pay plan qualification. When I give the answer, I’m sometimes met with surprise.
They’ll often say, “They’re doing it over here and over there…..are you telling


Youlab Global’s Relationship with Demond Crump Ends

According to a YouLab Global press release: “Crumps suspended for alleged misconduct”
On Monday, January 18, 2016, Youlab Global suspended Independent Executive Demond and Qiana Crump, pending a complete investigation of reports of misconduct in violation of the company’s policies and procedures.
Subsequently, Youlab Global and the Crumps parted ways as of January 19, 2016.
CEO and President, John de Vries, issued the following statement regarding the separation:

“Youlab Global is built on integrity and honesty. Although things did not work out, we wish Demond and Qiana the best in their future endeavors. This is an exciting time for Youlab Global and we would like to thank each and every one of our Executives for an amazing 2015.
Their hard work, commitment and loyalty have been remarkable and we look forward to a prosperous 2016 kicking off