Tag Archive for Mauricio Bellora

MonaVie Announces Retirement of Company Founders, Begins New Chapter

MonaVie today announces the retirement of company Founders Dallin Larsen, Randy Larsen, and Henry Marsh, who, for the past year and a half have been serving on the MonaVie Board of Directors in preparation for the eventual transition to the current leadership team and the proverbial turning of the page to a new chapter in MonaVie’s storied history.
All three Founders remain shareholders of the company—and will forever be the Founders of MonaVie—but will no longer serve on its Board of Directors.
The decision was reached mutually among the Founders in a meeting held yesterday.
Brothers Dallin and Randy, along with close friend and four-time Olympian Henry Marsh founded MonaVie in 2005, and, in the process, helped bring the acai berry out of its Amazonian obscurity and into the spotlight as a major player in the world of superfruits.
“MonaVie—the Premier Acai Blend” was born, and the tagline “Drink It. Feel It. Share It.” succinctly foreshadowed the rapid success the company would have with its flagship line of antioxidant juice beverages.
Over the years of growth that would ensue, the entrepreneurial-minded founders wisely brought on key employees to round out the skills and knowledge needed to run a complex international organization. In