Tag Archive for Home party companies

Home Party Marketing Making A Huge Comeback

Suzanne Sproul, writer for Inland Valley Daily Bulletin shared a heartwarming article on the rise … or return of home party marketing: 
In the 1950s, Brownie Wise started throwing parties. But they weren’t just like any party. Wise’s parties featured bonus gifts like speedboats and trips to Florida, sparking a revolutionary sales method coined party-plan marketing. She was the mother of Tupperware parties — and her method is making a comeback.
The depth and breadth of products one can buy while sitting on the living room couch with a few friends is virtually limitless. More than six decades after the first Tupperware party, people are now hosting parties where guests can check out personal self-defense items (Damsel in Defense) and tea collections (Zendigo Teas) to nail polish (Jamberry Nails) and pet products (pawTree).
In a time when technology can seem overwhelming to many, the personal touch of the home party is not only fun, but fills a need for personal selling and customer service, said Deb Bixler, creator of the Virginia-based Cash Flow Show, a service-based business model.

“The No. 1 commodity in the 21st century is fun,” she said. “When a home party-plan consultant creates a fun environment it becomes a way for


Home Party Companies On The Rose

Direct-selling parties are enjoying a surge in popularity, according to the Direct Selling Association of Ireland (DSAI). The trade body says about 4,000 people have signed up to become direct sellers over the past year, taking the total number to more than 20,000.
Parties, where self-employed direct sellers showcase products such as cosmetics, jewellery and homewares to a group gathered in a client’s home, now account for a fifth of total direct-selling revenue in Ireland, according to the DSAI, which represents 16 member companies including Amway, Forever Living, Mary Kay Inc and Neal’s Yard Remedies.

Direct-selling parties “are becoming increasingly more mainstream”, says DSAI director general Lynda Mills.

The days of the stereotypical “Avon Lady” are gone (as is the company itself from Ireland). More than 5,000 direct sellers are men – a quarter of the total – while there are 8,800 people aged 50-plus selling products outside the traditional retail channel, the association says.
Although direct selling is typically a second or casual stream of income, about 13 per cent of direct sellers, or some 2,600 people, work full-time in the industry, which is estimated to be worth more than €50 million. That’s quite a lot of moisturisers and herbal supplements.
first reported by: irishtimes.com


Home Party Companies With A Unique Twist

There seems to be a line drawn in the direct-selling industry between the two types of companies out there; those that focus on customers and products and those that focus on the distributors and their income.
With the recent pressure on the DSA to make serious progressive changes and the Ackman/Herbalife battle, it comes as no surprise that more and more Americans are looking at the home party company model — companies that have stood the test of time like; Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, and Pampered Chef. 
But what is happening in the home party company that is relatively unknown to veterans of direct-selling industry is the unique twists these companies are taking to propel them forward into the future. Is it possible that these very companies that are flying under the noses of veterans will be the ones that are standing at the forefront in just a few short years? Only time will tell. One thing that can’t be argued; these home party companies aren’t dealing with the slue of issues many of the income focused companies are, mainly being the FTC’s pyramid scheme investigations. 
When so many giants in marketing like Amazon, GoDaddy, and others are offering free affiliate sign ups what’s to


Home Party Companies Are Making Waves In The U.S.

Helaine Olen, contributing editor at Pacific Standard and author of Pound Foolish talks about how home party companies are making waves, specifically in Silicon Valley:
The invitations began arriving shortly after I moved back to my native New York City in 2012. They all sounded eerily similar. Each offered a chance to spend some fun, quality time in an intimate setting with a few fellow moms—or “the girls”—while some sort of product, usually but not always clothing, was “shared.”
One of them beckoned me to a “trunk show” of jewelry and accessories by the company Stella & Dot, to be held at an Upper West Side brownstone. Another offered “a chance to share girlfriend time, refreshments and shop [sic]” for garments bearing the Ruby Ribbon label, a clothing and undergarment line.
A little Googling confirmed my suspicion: Like Amway and Mary Kay, these newer companies are multi-level marketing programs. Which is to say they offer their salespeople two ways to make money: by selling products directly to friends and neighbors, and—far more efficiently—by selling friends and neighbors on the idea of becoming salespeople themselves, and collecting a commission on their recruits’ earnings.
Suffice it to say, this was not exactly what I expected from a


Up And Coming Home Party Companies To Keep An Eye On

Home party companies continue to dominate the direct-selling industry and recently a few newer, rather unheard of companies, have truly been dominating the home party market. Although, Avon, Pampered Chef, Origami Owl, Mary Kay, and Thirty-One remain in the top five over-all, there are a few companies you may want to keep an eye on. According to homepartyrankings.com their 6 month trend has been on a steady upward climb and account for a large chunk of the business. 
1. Lulu Avenue, a jewelry company, has had over 105% growth in the last 6 months and has had growth in the last 9 out of 12 months. 
2. Jamberry Nails, a one-of-a-kind nail applique company, has had continued growth for quite some time. Growing rapidly and steadily but has remained under the radar. They’re in #2 over the last 6 months with 74% growth. 
3. Younique, a cosmetic company that’s leading with the fiber last product, has had tremendous growth, not only in home parties – but in income earners and team growth. Their 6 month history puts them in at third with 68%
4. Jewelry in Candles, a candle company that hides pieces of costume jewelry in their candles, has had a 30% growth