Tag Archive for Freelance Writing

12 Work-at-Home Jobs You Can Start in Less Than a Year (No Experience Necessary)

By Sarah Landrum Being able to make money from the comfort of your home is something many people dream of. Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent or just want to make more money with your free time, there are plenty of options for legitimate at-home jobs; the trick is finding them. Finding the perfect at-home job can […]


Why You Need to Be Lazier in Your Writing (a.k.a. The Case for Repurposing Content)

By Sarah Landrum After reading the word “lazier” in the headline, you must’ve thought: “Wait, what? How can you even suggest that? Do you know what you’re asking me to do?” OK, before we get down to the nitty-gritty, let’s clear up a few things first. By “lazier,” I’m not talking about copying others’ content […]