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Bill Keep’s Open Letter To Warren Buffett On MLMs

Now that Pampered Chef, the multi-level marketing company owned by Berkshire Hathaway Inc., has a new CEO, MLM expert and dean of the College of New Jersey School of Business Bill Keep is hoping to get some support in setting clearer standards on what is or is not a pyramid scheme.
To do that, he’s published a letter that he sent to Warren Buffett earlier this year, with no response, possibly hoping to get the attention of the Pampered Chef CEO Tracy Britt Cool.

“I ask that you consider, as an owner of an MLM company, the value of having clear and public standards that differentiate a legal MLM from a pyramid scheme,” Bill Keep wrote in the letter, dated August 25, which he tweeted today. “Should you conclude that such standards are important to protect consumers and investors, I ask that you publicly address the issue.”

Bill Keep: No standard for what separates MLM and pyramid schemes
As Bill Keep and others have explained before, when you’re trying to figure out if a company is a legal MLM or apyramid scheme, the central question is whether their revenue comes from primarily from selling goods or from recruitment. But more sophisticated pyramid schemes also make some amount


Zeek Rewards CEO Pleads Not Guilty To Scam

A North Carolina man accused of being the mastermind of an $850 million Ponzi scheme pleaded not guilty Thursday to multiple federal charges of fraud and conspiracy.

     Paul Burks, the founder and CEO of the ZeekRewards penny auction site, was arraigned before U.S. Magistrate Judge David Cayer at the federal courthouse in Charlotte. In late October, a grand jury indicted Burks on charges of wire, mail and tax fraud, and conspiracy.
     Burks said nothing during his brief appearance in court. His plea was entered by his attorney, Noell Tin. If convicted on all of the charges he faces, Burks, 67, faced 65 years in prison and a $1 million fine. At the conclusion of the hearing, Judge Cayer released Burks on $25,000 bond. No trial date has yet been set. Burks company and its auction site was shut down by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in August 2012, after the agency concluded it had sold $850 million in unregistered securities.

     Prosecutors say Burkes and his conspirators ripped off as many as 1 million investors with promises of big returns and what ultimately turned out to be bogus investments. Burks, who had been accused of pocketing as much as $10 million in investors’ money, agreed to


Top Industry Leader, Cedric Harris, Joins Jeunesse

Jeunesse welcomes top earner, Cedrick Harris, into their global network of distributors.
Cedrick Harris is an internet marketing coach, published author, and speaker who has been in the network marketing industry for over 17 years. He is famous for being a high profile recruiter in various companies; while leading his team in one corporation, he produced over $60 million in revenue and created multiple six figure earners.
Cedrick has also achieved the top rank in a number of the companies he’s joined; in one of his previous positions, he networked over 70% of the entire company in his organization. When asked about his decision to join Jeunesse,

Cedrick said, “What initially attracted me to this company was the integrity of its owners, Wendy and Randy, but there’s a lot more to it than that.
What solidified this decision for me was that Jeunesse is not only a close-knit family company with a legacy, but that it has far-reaching international leadership in over 100 countries and a solid online presence. This move is really going to take my team to new heights and create bright futures for each and every one of them.
There’s a legitimate opportunity for growth here: the products