WOR(l)D Global Network Lands In India And Is Immediately A Great Success

World Global Network recently annouced: During the Diamond Life Tour event of July, in Istanbul, Fabio Galdi, CEO and President of WOR(l)D Global Network had announced: WGN is landing in India and it will be something to marvel at.
And so it was, given the first amazing results.
Only 15 days after the start of the pre-launch phase, on the occasion of the opening of the WGN office in Channai, the Company has reached the number of almost 50,000 consultants, registered and waiting for the official sale of exclusive products: SpaceStation, the first Micro Cell in the world capable of radiating the mCell 5G signal, and the SpacePhone, the first smartphone with mCell 5G technology.
The CEO Fabio Galdi has confirmed that he is very pleased with this first result, but he is certainly not completely


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