Roman Józef Madaliński: Passion and Leadership in the GOVVI Community

Roman Józef Madaliński, a leader in the GOVVI family and head of the MyGrand Team in Poland, has carved a unique path within the world of social commerce. With a diverse background, a deep commitment to personal growth, and a drive fueled by family, Roman’s inspiring story reflects the values and spirit of GOVVI. His journey showcases the impact of integrity, hard work, and passion in both business and life.
Born into a multicultural family, Roman’s introduction to network marketing began in 2004 when he, along with his family, started introducing health supplements and collagen to markets in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. “My mother is Peruvian and very focused on health issues, while my father, being highly analytical, always developed growth strategies that leveraged compensation plans,” Roman explained. With the support of his Ukrainian wife, he’s been able to harness both personal and professional energy to fuel his success. His career, spanning multiple countries and industries, is a testament to his versatility, drive, and passion for growth. Additionally, Roman speaks multiple languages and has studied in Germany, Mexico, and Thailand.
Roman’s connection to GOVVI was sparked by an impactful meeting with the company’s leadership. “Lance Conrad started with a prayer


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