Empowering Success: A Journey with Selene Berumen and GOVVI

In today’s fast-paced world, balancing personal aspirations with professional commitments is difficult. However, Selene Berumen, a dynamic influencer at GOVVI, has seamlessly merged these spheres, achieving a harmonious blend of success and fulfillment. Since joining GOVVI, she has not only transformed her own life but also inspired countless others to pursue their dreams. 
Background: A Foundation of Hard Work and Dedication
Selene Berumen, proudly representing “Team Go Time,” hails from Indio, California. Her journey with GOVVI began in March 2023, marking the start of a new chapter in her life. Before joining GOVVI, Selene worked as a full-time Medical Assistant and Phlebotomist Instructor. She credits her parents as her major source of inspiration. “I grew up watching them work in the fields to provide for me and my two sisters. From a young age, I knew there was more to life,” Selene reflects. Their dedication and hard work instilled in her a strong sense of responsibility and the drive to achieve more.
Why GOVVI? A Quest for Well-being and Financial Independence
Selene’s decision to join GOVVI was driven by a desire to improve her well-being and gain financial independence. “I wanted to change my well-being and make an income from home while helping others


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