Eventius Purwoko Achieves Green Diamond at QuiAri

QuiAri’s newest Green Diamond Promoter, Eventius Purwoko from Makassar, Indonesia, is a long-time Network Marketing veteran.
He has been in the industry since 1998 and believes that much of his success comes from timing. Being in the right company at the right time has provided Eventius with many life-changing opportunities, but none that have generated results as quickly as QuiAri.
“Even before I joined Network Marketing, I had big dreams and wanted to be successful. I went to college and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I thought the degree would help me get a high-paying job, but clearly, it wasn’t meant to be.
A friend introduced me to Network Marketing, and I just fell in love with the whole industry.  I enjoyed success during my 25-year MLM career, but there were many peaks and valleys.
Around 8 years ago, I was not in the right opportunity and found myself deep in debt.  Fortunately, I reconnected with an old friend at the perfect time. It was Mario Halim, who is now a Crown Purple Diamond Promoter at QuiAri.
Mario introduced me to a life-changing opportunity that provided me with an opportunity to pay off my debt and get back on


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