Direct Sales Industry Veteran, Ronda Hartman Joins QuiAri

Ever since the birth of Network Marketing, the desire for time and money freedom has attracted millions of people to this industry. In 2023, that attraction is stronger than ever, especially for working parents.
According to a Pew Research study, 54% of working parents are finding it increasingly difficult to try and balance work and family.  QuiAri Rock Star Promoter, Ronda Hartman knows all about the struggle. She left her career in Customer Service for a full-time Direct Sales Opportunity over 21 years ago so she could devote more time to her children. She describes it as “life-changing.” 
“I was a busy Mom working well over 40 hours a week in the Customer Service Industry. At the time, my 3 daughters were very young, so every single day of the week was busy – homework, activities, sports, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. My husband was fantastic and helped as much as he could, but he also worked.
We’d just rush from one thing to another – leaving little time for fun or quality time. I was raised by a busy single Mom, and I understand the impact that it had on me. I wanted to be more present with my kids. 


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