Healthy Home Company Buys OneBode

American Green (OTC: ERBB) announced today that it has sold all of the assets of its wholly owned subsidiaries OneBode Holdings LLC and OneBode Ventures LLC for $3,500,000 to the Healthy Home Company and OneBode founders Sean and Tylene Loomer. OneBode was acquired by American Green in June of 2013.
The sales price reflects the value created in OneBode over the past year and locks in a solid rate of return for American Green shareholders. Simultaneously it will free both time and operating capital for American Green to focus on its other divisions as it expands and utilizes the offices formerly occupied by OneBode.
“Healthy Home is a rapidly growing business with a unique sales model that doesn’t require physical locations or cyber marketing. Rewarding people for telling others about their products is the oldest and most powerful form of advertising.
This model is perfectly suited to get the OneBode products to the people that need them,” comments Stephen Shearin, American Green President. “This is absolutely the best outcome for all parties involved and while we’ll miss the OneBode team and its enthusiasm, this will enable them to flourish in an organization perfectly suited to their endeavors.”
“Last year, when we were


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