LIMU Promoters Justin And Kristina Martin Hit 750K Rank

LIMU celebrates our newest Promoters reaching 750K, Justin and Kristina Martin from Louisiana, and congratulates them on achieving that leadership position after just 6 months of full-time work on their LIMU business.
Recently introduced as a brand new pin level at LIMU, achievement of the 750K rank demonstrates noteworthy Promoters who have not only significant personal achievement, but also outstanding stewardship and guidance of broad-based teams.
Justin and Kristina had just recently been married when they first heard about LIMU, and that first invitation came at a perfect time. Justin was only earning minimum-wage at a warehouse while Kristina was working as a nurse, and as Justin says, they were “living on love and Ramen noodles.”
After college graduation, Justin went on to two years of dental school, which didn’t leave much time


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