Antony Spear – Buyezee CTO Interview: A Focus On E-Commerce

Buyezee’s Shop owner packages enable individuals and companies alike to tap into the consumer online shopping marketplace with a professional, 100% personally owned and branded eCommerce comparison shop.
Recently Daniela Claudia Szasz was appointed as CEO.
The shops are pre-populated with 100,000,000’s of products, flights, hotel and local deal offers by accessing the Buyezee database of Super Affiliate Relationships from 10,000’s of trusted and well respected online retailers.
Buyezee Shop Owner Packages are promoted through their independent network of person to person direct sales entrepreneurs, who are referred to as “Shopreneurs” and are rewarded from sales of the Shop Owner Business Software, plus an ongoing percentage of affiliate commissions generated from each of the shops, through 10 levels of sales.
Buyezee currently offer a total of 7 Shop Owner Packages to cater for all budgets,


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