Vemma Sales Up 65%

Vemma has filed his quarterly report to the USA court.
The two big takeaways from this report is that sales since November are up 65% and Vemma would be profitable if it wasn’t for the debt the receiver created for the company.
I have a lot of respect for BK Boreyko, Vemma’s CEO. It is a General who lost 95% of his resources, revenue and troops, is under heavy fire, refuses to surrender and makes progress. “Never quit” is often a slogan in Network Marketing, BK Boreyko deserves the “Never quit” award
Despite the significant operational obstacles, 2,985 new Customers and 25 new Affiliates have joined Vemma since the company restarted its operations on October 8, 2015.
As described in detail in the Corporate Defendants’ Quarterly Report Dated:
The Temporary Receiver’s shutdown of worldwide


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