Neora Offers Tips to Become Rejection Proof on the Built to Win Podcast

Dealing with rejection is tough for anyone. Without the proper tools to effectively overcome the fear of rejection, we can lose momentum and motivation, which can become a career killer.
Studies claim that the reason rejection is so uncomfortable is because when we go through it, the same areas of the brain that process physical pain are activated. 
On a recent episode of the Built to Win podcast, Neora’s Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer Amber Olson Rourke joins Susie Moore, a world-renowned life coach and author, for a discussion about how to become rejection-proof. Susie explains that while many people fear rejection, it can be an opportunity for growth and success. When people learn how to use rejection as another tool in their toolbox, people can build a mindset where resilience, self-confidence and positivity give you the ability to withstand adversity. 
“Anything that you achieve is a journey, and rejection is a part of that journey,” Amber says. “Successful people let rejection be a part of their story where others stop the story at rejection. There is no story of success where rejection is not a part of it.”
Susie says that understanding rejection as a natural part of the human experience helps


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