Chris Hattingh, From South Africa Achieves Highest Rank In LifeWave

Chris Hattingh is a South African born entrepreneur, living in Johannesburg. He started his career in the corporate world. In 1998, Chris at the age of 22, joined his first Network Marketing Company. He built the largest team in that company outside of the USA.
It was a small family run business and was limited to his local market in South Africa, but still ran teams of thousands of people. In 2002 the owner passed away and the company shut down shortly thereafter. 
Chris then went into direct sales in the security industry for one of South Africa’s Top 300 Companies. Because of his passion of working with people, he closed over 10,000 personal sales over the period of a decade and was the number one salesperson nationally, breaking all sales records.
In 2012 he designed a children’s toy car in a garage at home, and after 2 years turned it into an International Toy brand. His company hit the tipping point at the end of 2019, preparing for growth in 2020. As Covid forced the world into lock-down, the pandemic took its toll in most industries. Chris had to close the doors to his company.  
In the middle of Covid, looking


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