Top Networker Stefan Edefors Se Une A Zinzino

Stefan Edefors , one of the leaders with the highest income and with more than 15 years in the industry, most of them in a single company where he reached one of the highest ranks and built an international organization in Asia, USA, Europe and Latin America , has decided to join Zinzino.
Although Zinzino’s headquarters are just a few miles from his home in Sweden, it wasn’t until recently that Stefan discovered the new global trend of Evidence-Based Nutrition.

“Everything in life depends on timing, and this is the right time to join Zinzino, a company with a vision aligned with mine: to inspire change through a personalized nutrition plan based on evidence, not assumptions. This is my forever home and all I can say is GO ALL IN!”

-Stefan Edefors.

“We are proud to have Stefan at Zinzino with us. The values ​​are aligned and we will do everything possible to provide a home for him and all the leaders who join.
We will continue to attract and retain good leaders who want to share our empowering customer-based strategy and ambition to create a holistic global experience with our direct selling community.”

– Dag Bergheim Pettersen, CEO of Zinzino.
The post Top Networker Stefan Edefors


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