Don and Sandi Mahrer Achieve Highest Rank at LifeWave

Don and Sandi Mahrer, achieve the Highest Rank in LifeWave, Senior Presidential Directors. The Mahrer’s have been involved in the Network Marketing Industry for 31 years.
They have achieved great success in MLM.  But little did they know that Sandi’s sister and her husband Steve and Gina Merritt, were about to take them on an incredible life-changing journey again. LifeWave is without a doubt, the best kept 19-year-old secret in Network Marketing.
“When my sister Gina called us and shared about this newly patented technology that LifeWave had in the X39, we realized this was going to be a huge game changer for all.
After experiencing life changing testimonies personally, with our family, friends, and team we quickly realized this was an opportunity that we could not pass by.
We are convinced, X39 is the best product ever launched in the Network Marketing Industry.”
The Mahrer’s both come from Entrepreneur families. They have earned millions of dollars in the Network Marketing Industry that has provided their family with so much more than a conventional business could ever do.
Don and Sandi have owned multiple conventional businesses which came with many problems and high costs. These conventional businesses never produced the income


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