Top Industry Leader, Le Van Trung Joins QuiAri

After graduating from college, QuiAri Super Star, Le Van Trung knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life – help others and be his own boss. Network Marketing was the best opportunity for Le to do just that.
He joined a large global company in 2007 based out of Vietnam and started working towards his dream. Along the way, he found success but also learned an important lesson about choosing the right company.
“I am not your typical Network Marketer. I don’t believe in jumping from company to company, constantly chasing after my dreams.
If you work hard in this business, in any company, you will be rewarded. However, I would advise someone brand new to Direct Sales to do their research beforehand. Don’t just join any company. Look at its track record for success as well as its leaders, and make sure its mission aligns with your own.
I spent 10 years at my first MLM working hard towards my dream until one day they made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The next company I joined was a health and wellness company based out of the United States. It was a global, multi-billion-dollar business, so I assumed


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