ByDzyne’s Luis Hernandez from Honduras Achieves 1-Star President

Honduras is also making its mark in ByDzyne’s global expansion efforts, and now showcases new 1-Star President Luis Hernandez as part of its promising leadership lineup. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Luis, a 27-year-old entrepreneur originally from Honduras but who now resides in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, is a classic tale of the luxurious opportunity of network marketing.
While he recently worked a conventional job for a local refurbishing company, he was then fortunately introduced to ByDzyne and the direct sales industry. Life, as expected, has now changed for Luis and his appreciation for ByDzyne and its executive team is sweet and simple. 
“Thank you for creating a very diverse opportunity with multiple trends where people feel identity and potential,”
disclosed Luis. 
ByDzyne’s executive team is encouraged by their new 1-Star President’s story and firmly believes that it’s testimonies like his that inspire hope and action. 
“Congratulations to Luis Hernandez on becoming our newest 1-Star President from Honduras and USA!
We love your story that you were working a traditional job and then were introduced to this business, went after your dreams, and continued to believe in yourself.
Keep believing and don’t give up! We hope and


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