ByDzyne’s Alexander Ortiz From Colombia Achieves 2-Star President

The Latin American market continues to generate some of network marketing’s most prominent leaders, and ByDzyne has yet another superstar on the rise with the emergence of a new 2-Star President from Colombia, Alexander Ortiz.    
*A 2-Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less. 
Not even a year since accomplishing the 1-Star President rank, Alexander, a 45-year-old former banker with over 20 years of experience in the financial sector and traditional business, worked effortlessly to reach this milestone.
The Colombian leader attributes his dedication, discipline, and commitment to himself and each member of his team as the foundation of all of his recent success, and strongly believes this achievement is theirs as well.   
Motivated to impact their lives and doing so by depending on himself and his leadership potential, Alexander believes that ByDzyne is the perfect vehicle that allows him to demonstrate to them a sustainable present and triumphant future. 
“I chose ByDzyne because the company does not make promises; it shows you the way so that you can fulfill the promises you make to yourself. From a business model that includes six different forms of income, it allows anyone regardless of their preferences—training, travel, wellness—to find inclusion.


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