Desi Lipova Achieves Black Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

The Power of the Right Leadership –
Bulgarian native Desi Lipova has a lightning history of rapid success with ibüümerang and isn’t stopping anytime soon. Just a few short weeks after hitting Blue Diamond, Ms. Lipova has now achieved the rank of Black Diamond.
Wanting more out of her life and a chance to ”completely start over” in 2010, Ms. Desi Lipova moved from her home country, Bulgaria, to the United States. After a decade of struggling within traditional businesses and a sudden family emergency, Ms. Lipova reached her “pivotal point” in 2020. She decided it was time for a complete change in her life.
“I don’t follow companies, I follow leadership,”
said Ms. Lipova when recounting how being introduced to Mr. Holton Buggs helped change her perspective on where she needed to be in her success journey.
For a glimpse into Ms. Lipova’s incredible journey and what keeps her motivated to stay on top, check out her story below.

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the BüüM Foundation in providing an


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