Tag Archive for iBuumerang

Women of Perserverance: How Sandee Aqui and Nathalie Akona Achieved Diamond in ibüümerang

For Hawaiian native Sandee Aqui, ibüümerang was a light in the dark; searching for a way to work through a devastatingly tragic time in her life, she found solace in a company that “felt like home.”
Her daughter had just passed, leaving behind Sandee’s now-orphaned grandchildren, who became her “why” for creating an unending legacy through ibüümerang. 
“It took time for me to be able to function properly, and focus on the mindset needed in this business,”
said Sandee.
“But with the unbreakable system of ibüümerang and Mr. Holton Buggs, I knew NOT going Diamond wasn’t an option.”
After nearly four years of grief, Sandee persevered through her own strength and sought the guidance of the “leader of leaders,” CEO Mr. Holton Buggs, before achieving Diamond and securing her family’s legacy.
The journey to ibüümerang was long for fellow Hawaiian native Nathalie Akona; after decades of self-employment, she had a handful of failed network marketing companies along the way. Having finally joined the “place with the right leadership” in March 2023, she devoted herself entirely to her business for the next two months, becoming a Diamond Ambassador at the end. 
At 71 years old, she proves it’s never too late to achieve your dreams.


Iconic Mother-Daughter Pippins Duo Achieve Blue Diamond in ibüümerang

Stuck in the draining world of corporate America, Jackie Pippins finally found freedom as a business owner in ibüümerang despite doing “all the things she was supposed to” at her job.
Her initial motivation was to spend more time with her family and empower other women like herself. However, Jackie didn’t realize she already did both by coming home to her daughter Jahla every day.
Despite being only 17, Jahla Pippins realized she was more than a fast-food worker and was inspired to follow in her mother’s footsteps.
Today, the iconic Pippins mother-daughter duo are taking their success to even higher levels by becoming Blue Diamond in ibüümerang.
“I always wanted a business where my family could be a part of it as well,” said Jackie. “Ibüümerang lets me do it all, with my baby girl.” 
Now 23 years old, Jahla Pippins hasn’t looked back since the first day she asked her mother to get started in the business. As a new Blue Diamond, the young entrepreneur’s “Why” focuses on creating a culture of success and growth for women like herself. As a key contributor to their recent season of growth, Jahla credits the guidance of ibüümerang CEO, Holton Buggs, for their continued


Czech Diamonds Vitek Gula, Adam & Tereza Košec Lead by Duplication in ibüümerang

Three years ago, ibüümerang was the perfect fit for Vitek Gula, an international DJ who spent eight years abroad. Adam Kośec joined after attempting 15 different careers, looking for the one that would stick.
For psychologist, Tereza Beráková (now Košec), ibüümerang was her second network marketing company. Today, the three Czech Diamonds agree that, despite their different paths to join ibüümerang, they will never work for anyone else again.
When he joined ibüümerang, Vitek knew that success can only be created through observing success and then taking action.
Through studying his mentors, Black Diamond Smejkal Bros, and his CEO Holton Buggs, Vitek began duplicating the same methods within his business. This practice and ensuring his team attend every event contributed significantly to his success and current Diamond status.
“My mindset for success is to simply never give up,”
said Vitek.
“When you put in the work and you never give up, you can achieve anything you want.”
Adam and Tereza found more than just time freedom and life-changing leadership in ibüümerang – they found each other. Together, they built a successful business under the guidance of CEO Mr. Holton Buggs, growing a Diamondship and a budding new family along the way.
The couple’s


Jessica Jimenez and Carlos Gutierrez Achieve Blue Diamond Rank in ibüümerang

Carlos Gutierrez and Jessica Jimenez joined network marketing 12 years ago with the desire to stop working for someone else.
Nearly 8 years later, they joined ibüümerang to expand their business and “why” to help others achieve similar freedom and success.
Carlos and Jessica, in the momentum-filled month, broke 4 new Diamonds within their team and skipped straight to Blue Diamond.
The leaders accredit such fast-paced success to their team’s embrace of the culture and close-knit community of growth that ibüümerang provides.
“I’ve seen how people grow mentally in this environment,”
said Carlos.
“When you work and develop your people to grow, your business grows.”
To further glimpse how ibüümerang helped develop these two leaders to the next level of success, check out the interview below! 
About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything.

ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the Büüm Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet.
For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team, visit the company website at www.ibuumerang.com.
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From Football To Freedom: David Hunt Achieves Blue Diamond Rank In ibüümerang

A professional football player in the UK, David Hunt thought he was living the dream. In reality, he was living paycheck to paycheck because he wasn’t financially literate.
With a brand new family and his athletic career cut short earlier than expected, Mr. Hunt quickly realized he needed to do something different. During this time, he met the founder and CEO of ibüümerang, Mr. Holton Buggs, and began a new journey to change his life.
With ibüümerang’s philosophies of “giving back without expecting anything in return” and the inspiring leadership of Mr. Holton Buggs, David Hunt quickly realized that ibüümerang could change his life and financial future forever. With the help of his mentors and CEO, Mr. David Hunt has achieved Blue Diamond in ibüümerang.
“Leadership is the most important thing to me,” said David Hunt. “Things don’t go right every day, but I feed off of the energy of the leaders that have come before me.”
To learn more about how David Hunt completely transformed his future through ibüümerang and its products, check out his interview below.

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the


Daniele And Talitta Camero Achieve Blue Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

10 years ago, Daniele & Talitta Camero left traditional service jobs to “find opportunities and live the life of their dreams” as young entrepreneurs.
That life began once this power couple found success with ibüümerang, and they have now officially achieved the coveted rank of Blue Diamond Ambassador.
Now living a lifestyle they never thought possible, under the guidance of ibüümerang CEO Mr. Holton Buggs, the Blue Diamond leaders are determined to fulfill their “why” of helping those around them build their own legacies. In the same month the Cameros became Blue Diamonds, several new Diamonds were also created on their team.
Daniele Camero said:
“The world is changing all around us every day. We adjust, we grow and we want to help others do the same.” 
Find out where the Cameros will take their success journey next in their interview below.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/BDGgW24sHnc
About ibüümerang
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the Büüm Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet. For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team,


Luis Ventura & Fernanda Vera Achieve Blue Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

After making a powerful impact in the four years since joining ibüümerang, Luis Ventura and Fernanda Vera have officially achieved the rank of Blue Diamond Ambassadors.
After 20 years in the network marketing industry, and desiring a lifestyle of financial freedom and travel, Luis Ventura and Fernanda Vera joined ibüümerang, and immediately became Diamond Ambassadors.
The duo approached their business by leading by example; as they focused their growth inward toward their team. In the same “month of momentum” where they achieved Blue Diamond, Mr. Ventura and Ms. Vera created three new Diamonds in their community.
“Being a Blue Diamond allows us the privilege of motivating others to lead similar lifestyles of freedom, just as Mr. Holton Buggs inspired us,”
said Luis Ventura.

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the Büüm Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet.
For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team, visit the company website at www.ibuumerang.com.
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Ondrej And  Michal Smejkal Achieve Black Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

Ondrej Smejkal and  Michal Smejkal were brothers from the same home, that lived completely different lives;
Ondrej was a traditional businessman, while younger brother Michal was a professional football player. After both brothers started seeking “more” from their lives, they partnered up and joined network marketing as the “Smejkal Bros,” finding massive success in ibüümerang.
2022 was the year of momentum for ibüümerang and the Smejkal Bros were a huge part of that success. After building a large team in the Czech Republic, their country was chosen to host the company’s first European event.
The brothers didn’t lose steam there though, just a few months later they achieved Black Diamond, instantly surpassing Blue, and helped create six new Diamonds in the Czech Republic.
“We’ve had many successes in our business, but the first one was achieved when we began to understand Mr. Holton Buggs’ vision,”
said the brothers when measuring success as new Black Diamonds.
For more insight into the Smejkal Bros’ success and where they are taking their Diamond-ridden team in 2023, check out the video below.

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept


2022: ibüümerang’s Biggest Year Yet

Throughout 2022, ibüümerang made company history time and time again: recognizing thousands of newly achieved ranks, such as the first Presidential Diamonds, the introduction of new and exciting travel and trade technologies, and events hosted in every corner of the world, including ibüümerang’s first European event.
The leadership in ibüümerang increased tenfold with all the new ranks broken;

two new Presidential Diamonds,
five new Black Diamonds,
nine new Blue Diamonds, and
30 new Diamond Ambassadors were created in 2022 alone.

With ibüümerang’s introduction of new events and avenues, paired with the incredible company momentum created, 2022 was a groundbreaking year that will lead to an even brighter future for years to come.
Take a speed run through the incredible ibüümerang events hosted in 2022 by checking out the official recap video below:

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the BüüM Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet.
For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team, visit the company website at www.ibuumerang.com.
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Desi Lipova Achieves Black Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

The Power of the Right Leadership –
Bulgarian native Desi Lipova has a lightning history of rapid success with ibüümerang and isn’t stopping anytime soon. Just a few short weeks after hitting Blue Diamond, Ms. Lipova has now achieved the rank of Black Diamond.
Wanting more out of her life and a chance to ”completely start over” in 2010, Ms. Desi Lipova moved from her home country, Bulgaria, to the United States. After a decade of struggling within traditional businesses and a sudden family emergency, Ms. Lipova reached her “pivotal point” in 2020. She decided it was time for a complete change in her life.
“I don’t follow companies, I follow leadership,”
said Ms. Lipova when recounting how being introduced to Mr. Holton Buggs helped change her perspective on where she needed to be in her success journey.
For a glimpse into Ms. Lipova’s incredible journey and what keeps her motivated to stay on top, check out her story below.

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the BüüM Foundation in providing an