Brand Partner Kenny Rossi Dreams Big & Hits Royal Black Diamond Status with The Happy Co.

“Big dreams and big vision are what we lead with!”
Says The Happy Co. brand partner Kenny Rossi. No stranger to network marketing, the 51-year-old Arizona resident has been in relationship marketing for more than 23 years. 
In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, Rossi had to find a new source of income after more than a decade.
“The owner of our old company decided to cut us out of his business and keep all the profits moving forward,”
Rossi explains.
“Our unshakable belief in this industry was rocked to the core, and we had to find a new home and do it fast.” 
Rossi and his sponsor Al “Juice” Keranen decided to stick together and, when looking for a new opportunity, together they chose The Happy Co.
“We are in relationship marketing, so we are a family along with being in business,”
he says.
As a father, grandfather and fiancé’, Rossi knows all about familial allegiances. 
His team, named “TEAMATM” — “turn your annual income into your monthly income” — fosters relationships and focuses on giving to achieve success.
“I personally make 50 calls a day,”
Rossi says.
“In most cases each call takes just 30 seconds or less, but people know


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