Nearly 1m businesses on brink of collapse, warn accountants

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
UPDATED: More than 800,000 businesses are within weeks of going bust because they can’t get the coronavirus business interruption loan.
Nearly one-fifth of small and medium-sized businesses are unlikely to get the cash they need to survive another month despite promises of unprecedented government support, according to the BBC Today programme.
Many firms have told the BBC that they can’t get the emergency loans or that the money will take weeks to come through.
With bank branches shut, thousands of struggling firms can’t get through by phone or when they do, they are being told they are not eligible.
>See also: How to get the government’s £10,000 cash grant for small businesses
Banks told the BBC they are following government rules on SME lending that firms only qualify the emergency loans if they cannot borrow in a normal commercial way or by taking out a loan against property.
Small business owners have contacted Small Business, saying they are being pushed towards standard commercial loans when they have rung up about the CBIL and that without a CBIL many businesses face collapse.
While grants are promised for the hardest-hit sectors such as retail, leisure and hospitality the group suffering from a


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