General Election results leave ‘unanswered questions’ around IR35

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
The Conservatives’ landslide win marks their biggest victory since 1987.
However, experts are questioning the proposed review of IR35 for private contractors and freelancers. As the next Budget is planned for February 2020 and the changes in April 2020, the new Government don’t have much time to act.
Daniel Fallows, director at Gorilla Accounting, has mixed feeling about the result:
“Contractors and freelancers up and down the country can now get on with their business with a far clearer idea of how the regulatory environment for the self-employed will develop. However, there are still unanswered questions for the new Government on this issue, and we hope that its promised review of IR35 will be a key priority.”
Julia Kermode, chief executive of The Freelancer & Contractor Services Association (FCSA), said:
“February is simply too late for the off-payroll legislation to be properly implemented.
“If they don’t delay then the promise was nothing short of an arrogant and disingenuous move to secure votes. Many businesses have already invested heavily in preparing for the changes and given the legal requirement for reasonable care, it is unrealistic to press pause for a potentially meaningless review to take place. If the Government


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