CBI urges incoming Prime Minister to forge new partnership with business

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
The CBI has urged the next Tory Prime Minister to get behind UK business, singling out the importance of small business as well as corporations.
In a coded message to Boris Johnson – who infamously retorted “f*** business” when asked about big business concerns over Brexit – CBI president John Allan told business leaders in London today that the next Prime Minister needs to “back business” and repair the UK’s reputation with overseas investors.
Allan said: “It’s an opportunity for a new Prime Minister to set an unashamedly pro-enterprise course. To really bring back that feel-good factor. Whether you’re a small high-street retailer or a high-end manufacturer hoping to sell in markets here, Europe and all over the world… that feel-good factor has been absent for too long.
“If the Conservative party wants to claim the mantle of the party of business now is the time to show it. At such a decisive point in our country’s history, if not now then when?”
The employers’ organisation set out a three-point plan as to this new partnership between business and the next Prime Minister:

Repair the UK’s reputation – Allan said that international investors are spooked and are starting


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