Nominations open to join UK Domain Leaders programme

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business
Here at the UK Domain we have pioneered an exciting programme which aims to recognise great UK small businesses and charities who are making the most of being online.
So, if you’ve just created a fantastic new website, are already online or know of another business or charity you’d like to nominate, read on.
What is the UK Domain Leaders programme?
The UK Domain Leaders programme aims to celebrate small businesses and charities by sharing stories from real-life organisations on how they are successfully using a website and online presence to grow. It could be telling customers where their local store is, showcasing fantastic testimonials or using Instagram to promote products. We showcase the stories from real-life businesses in a series of case studies.
By taking part in these case studies, UK Domain Leaders get a platform to share their story and experiences with other SME and charity owners. We aim to support these businesses by creating a community, showcasing and promoting their case studies across online channels and giving them the chance to get involved in wider campaigns and content pieces.
Who are the UK Domain Leaders?
There are already some fantastic businesses and charities who have joined


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