6 easy steps to planning a project within a small business

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
Project planning typically has the image of being the realm of large organisations with multiple departments coming together for a year or more to deliver goals.
However, being able to plan projects in small businesses can be pivotal to business success.
Managing projects in smaller businesses involves dealing with a unique set of challenges compared to larger organisations. For one, you usually need to work within limited resources and staff, yet still be able to pull it off.
Project managers need to stay on top of every facet of the project to hit your goals on time without going over budget. Once your organisation gets to a certain size, the temptation to just wing it isn’t an option.
Let’s take a closer look then, at how to go about planning a project within a small business, starting with the importance of project management methodology.
Do you need project management methodology?
Project management methodology will guide the direction of the entire project, the key roles for each person involved, and the information which needs to be shared with everyone.
With the right methodology, you can:

Give your team strict and consistent guidelines that everyone should adhere to from start to finish
Measure every


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