Tag Archive for Agile working

What are the benefits of agile working? – a small business guide

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
On the face of it, it seems ridiculous that post Covid-19 hordes will commute into cities so they can all sit down at their desks at precisely the same moment.
When all of our working day is spent looking at screens, why does it matter where you physically are
And what does it mean for the future of the office, which some now see as a relic of Victorian working practices?
The future, according to some, will be agile working – a blend of coming into the office for collaboration and team meetings, and working remotely.
>See also: What is an agile working environment?
Agile working is nothing new – as with many other aspects of our lives, all the pandemic has done is accelerate what was happening anyway.
When the pandemic hit, ASDA dispersed its thousands of headquarters staff back to their homes.
Simon Halkyard, ASDA head office resourcing manager has said, “It’s amazing what you can do when you are forced and have no time to over think it. Should this be the new normal, even after the lockdown is lifted. Why restrict your business to only employing people in one location when you can reach a nationwide


What are the benefits of agile working? – a small business guide

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
On the face of it, it seems ridiculous that post Covid-19 hordes will commute into cities so they can all sit down at their desks at precisely the same moment.
When all of our working day is spent looking at screens, why does it matter where you physically are
And what does it mean for the future of the office, which some now see as a relic of Victorian working practices?
The future, according to some, will be agile working – a blend of coming into the office for collaboration and team meetings, and working remotely.
>See also: What is an agile working environment?
Agile working is nothing new – as with many other aspects of our lives, all the pandemic has done is accelerate what was happening anyway.
When the pandemic hit, ASDA dispersed its thousands of headquarters staff back to their homes.
Simon Halkyard, ASDA head office resourcing manager has said, “It’s amazing what you can do when you are forced and have no time to over think it. Should this be the new normal, even after the lockdown is lifted. Why restrict your business to only employing people in one location when you can reach a nationwide


6 easy steps to planning a project within a small business

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
Project planning typically has the image of being the realm of large organisations with multiple departments coming together for a year or more to deliver goals.
However, being able to plan projects in small businesses can be pivotal to business success.
Managing projects in smaller businesses involves dealing with a unique set of challenges compared to larger organisations. For one, you usually need to work within limited resources and staff, yet still be able to pull it off.
Project managers need to stay on top of every facet of the project to hit your goals on time without going over budget. Once your organisation gets to a certain size, the temptation to just wing it isn’t an option.
Let’s take a closer look then, at how to go about planning a project within a small business, starting with the importance of project management methodology.
Do you need project management methodology?
Project management methodology will guide the direction of the entire project, the key roles for each person involved, and the information which needs to be shared with everyone.
With the right methodology, you can:

Give your team strict and consistent guidelines that everyone should adhere to from start to finish
Measure every


7 ways to improve the output of your small business

Originally written by Dan Matthews on Small Business
Half a century ago workplaces were static uninspiring floors with bosses metering out hard and fast rules. We’ve come a long way since, but some businesses are evolving faster than others. Allowing people to work in their own way will drive up loyalty, productivity and retention rates.
James Lintern, Co-Founder at RotaCloud:
“At RotaCloud, we recently formalised and extended our flexible working policy, with our core hours now set to 10-3:30pm.
“In other words, most staff can start their eight hours of work at any time from 7:30am to 10am, whatever works for them. Early birds and night owls both benefit, with an extra productivity boost first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening when the office is a little quieter.
“We’ve also been able to extend our support hours as a result of this policy, offering an improved service to our customers. A member of our marketing team has even written an article on the benefits of this policy.”
Agile has been a buzzword for some time, but a business’ capacity to adapt in the face of change – whether threat or opportunity – is a key ingredient in its ability improve revenues


A small business guide to agile working

You might have heard the term ‘agile working’ bandied about, and you’d be forgiven if you thought it was a synonym for flexible working. It’s not, though that’s often part of it. Agile businesses react quickly to change, rather than pushing ahead with their strategies regardless. This requires fluidity, creativity, collaboration – because the reaction
The post A small business guide to agile working appeared first on Small Business.


What is an agile working environment?

Agile working creates an efficient business environment by giving employees the freedom and flexibility to work in different areas of an office, or remotely via hot-desking, when and how they choose. With less constraints and more flexibility, the focus is more about performance and quality and less about where tasks are undertaken. Instant Offices have
The post What is an agile working environment? appeared first on Small Business.