Monthly Archives: June 2018

Tino Ludwig’s OMNIA Team Surpasses 100,000 Members

Tino Ludwig of Germany has surpassed 100,000 IBO’s in just under 10 months since helping launch OMNIA, a leader in blockchain technology.
He has been with OMNIA since their launch in August of 2017.
Tino is the OMNIA Ambassador for Asia and is riding a tidal wave of momentum that hasn’t been seen in many years in the MLM industry. In this time he has helped hundreds of individuals around the globe achieve the highest ranks in the company.
His tips to success lie in four areas that include knowing where your strength lies, motivation, the ability to endure difficult times and having the courage to get up over and over again.
Tino is 100% committed to bringing blockchain technology to the masses. His schedule is typically 10 days home in Germany and a month on the road with one goal in mind – helping as many people as possible.
“Since launching OMNIA I’ve taken over 300 flights and visited 63 different countries.
I’ve never dedicated myself to a company or mission like I have with OMNIA. Once I truly understood their long term goal, I committed myself.
We have a 10+ year agenda that can and will help change the world. We believe blockchain is the way


Total Life Changes Back to Basics Event Sells Out In Motown

Events in the direct selling industry share many common goals and practices; product and software training, recognition of sales achievements, and reaching particular heights within a company’s rank advancement. All of this is true for Total Life Changes (TLC’s) Back to Basics (B2B) International Tour, but TLC’s founder and CEO, Jack Fallon has implemented several more powerful segments to a traditional direct selling run of show.
Jack’s vision has led to an ongoing weight loss contest from event-to-event where three winners are secretly selected. Each of the winners receive roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations, a professional makeover, and additional prizes awarded live during each event.
Jack explains the impact of these contests:
“These weight loss contests have become the focal point of our B2B tour. I just felt like we could generate so much anticipation with a secret reveal of the three winners from event-to-event. I have to give John Licari [C.O.O.] much of the credit for how this segment of the show is planned and implemented.”
“John’s a natural. I mean, he is all heart and he is able to lead our three winners through a conversation that exemplifies their transformation. These stories are much, much more than weight loss stories; I mean, the