Dr. Parwiz Daud And Mansour Tawafi Achieve Black Diamond Rank At OneLife

Dr. Parwiz Daud – a Medical Doctor  in endocrinology and diabetes – and Mansour Tawafi are good friends and business partners. As associates, they both lead a strong team in the UK with one of the most spectacular results in recent months.
That leadership and that progress have pushed them up to the top 25 position in our ranking, with monthly earnings of almost $400,000.
Daud and Tawafi are also part of the outstanding international team Success4All, led by Igor E. Alberts and Andreea Cimbala, who are currently the highest income networkers in the industry.
In addition to having significantly contributed with their leadership to the global success of Success4All, Daud and Tawafi have managed to completely revitalize the OneLife distribution system in the UK, which had gone through difficult times after a large number of its sales forces left for a competing company.
Such has been that revival that, at present, the UK is at the forefront in Europe in number of users of the financial education packages offered by the company.
With this track record, it should not surprise us that both leaders have already achieved Black Diamond: one of the most difficult and ambitious ranks and the second highest of all. Their secret: a system


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