Total Life Changes Announces New Ambassadors, Dexter And Tonya Joyner-Scott

Many people have heard about the success of Dexter and Tonya Joyner-Scott in TLC, but nothing matters more to them than witnessing the success of so many business partners that have joined forces with them in the last 18-24 months.
It has not been an easy path to success for this married couple of four children. They faced adversity, doubt and the loss of a six-figure income before beginning to restore their lives with network marketing.
Tonya has carried her fair share of doubt, fears and limited beliefs of her future for much of her life. These negative attitudes even caused her to become complacent for a while as she began to start a family.
“I kept trying to tell myself that being a stay-at-home-mommy was enough for me, but it really wasn’t.


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