Monthly Archives: December 2015

Network Marketing Wasn’t Designed To Get You To $100,000 A year In 2 To 5 Months

Robert Blackman is a full time Networker, author, trainer and consultant to the MLM industry. He is been in the MLM industry for 25+ years and has successfully made money in every MLM program that he is applied his MLM Big Money techniques with.
An excerpt from his new book: “The Part-Timers Guide to Network Marketing”.
“…Its not controversial at all to say that most people (especially successful full time Network Marketers) get this business wrong. Network Marketing or MLM wasn’t designed to get you to $100,000 a year in 2 to 5 months.
It was designed to take 2 to 5 years, or even more. The confusion in today’s marketplace comes from those SELECT unduplicatable few who can do it in a few months. Who are these people?
They are:

Leaders who have already spent years


The Success Story Of Vorwerk’s Thermomix

Germany’s Waz newspaper explores the Thermomix success story and tries to understand what makes this food processor so successful. 
Thermomix by Vorwerk is an incredible German success story. In addition to a food processor, the customer also gets a piece of security with him.
“Madness!” “Incredible!” Whoever attends a presentation of the Thermomix inevitably feels transported back to the time of the economic miracle when arduous, long daily tasks could suddenly be completed in a few simple steps. A time when the vacuum cleaner or blender looked like small miracles. Some sociologists say that machines played a significant role in the women’s empowerment movement. Listening to all this talk about the Thermomix you would think future scientists would award it a similarly important role in history.
The Thermomix can heat, mix, knead, beat, steam and


Juha Parhiala – OneCoin Achieves $1,5 Million Per Month In Earnings

Juha Parhiala has hit the $1,5 million per month mark with his OneCoin distributorship which makes him the Nr. 1 Top Earner in the world according to the Business For Home Top Earners Ranks. In November he achieved $1 Million per month.
Juha is from Finland and resides in Thailand since many years. His worldwide organisation has $50+ million volume per week and OneCoin has worldwide 750,000+ members.
Remarkable, as digital currency MLM OneCoin has started in September 2014, the company is headquartered in Europe with worldwide operations.
Asia is Onecoin’s stronghold, however the company is expanding quickly in Europe thanks to the merger with Conligus in April 2015, who had a massive base there. The Steinkeller brothers, the founders of Conligus are at the $900,000 per month mark.
About OnceCoin
OneCoin is headquartered in Europe with


Beachbody Launches Health & Fitness App For Apple TV

Beachbody®, one of the world’s leading providers of fitness, nutrition and weight-loss programs, today announced the official release of its Beachbody On Demand app for Apple TV, a comprehensive health and fitness app developed exclusively for the new Apple TV.
The Beachbody On Demand Apple TV app provides members access to a library of the most famous in-home workouts in the last two decades such as P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, Body Beast, TurboFire, and Brazil Butt Lift, from a number of celebrity trainers includingTony Horton, Shaun T, Autumn Calabrese, Sagi Kalev, and Chalene Johnson.

“Through the Beachbody On Demand app for Apple TV, users are able to access and participate in the most premium, at-home fitness experience ever available,” said Bill Bradford, Chief Digital Officer of Beachbody. “Over the years, Beachbody has developed fitness and weight loss