German Direct Sales Expected To Surpass 1 Million Distributors By 2019

Nearly 100,000 new distributors have joined direct selling opportunities in Germany in 2014, bringing the total number of direct selling professionals to 823000, a 13% increase over the previous year. This number is expected to grow by a further 25% until 2019, according to a new study. 
It is expected that more than one million sales partners will be working in the direct selling industry in Germany in the next four years. These are the results of a study conducted by the University of Mannheim on behalf of the Direct Sales Federatino of Germany (BDD).

“The figures clearly reflect the crisis-resistant nature of the industry.” says Prof. Dr. Florian Kraus of the University of Mannheim. “The increase in total industry sales at an annual rate of 8 per cent over the last seven years from 2007


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