Vemma Customer Victims – Where Are They?

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the USA:
“Defendants (Vemma) are running a global pyramid scheme that has likely victimized hundreds of thousands or millions of consumers”.
We at Business for Home are pretty familar with Vemma since year 2006. We have searched intensive for “hundrerd thousands of Vemma Consumer Victims” however can NOT find them at all.
Not under our 4 -5 million annual visitors, not under our 45,000 Facebook Business page fans….
Massive customer complaints about the products? Sure there would be some, however “Victimized hundreds of thousands or millions of customers?” 
That is a FTC statement which that agency can NOT prove, and is mispresenting the case “Pur Sang”.
What we have noticed are many satisfied customers who are running low on the product and are looking for a way


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