Zija International will be holding an exclusive educational experience for those interested in learning how to successfully maximize the benefits of their various product divisions and the importance of utilizing the science behind the essential oils and nutrition products.
The event will showcase new findings about the cell activity and permeability of their Améo Essential Oils, presented by Zija’s Vice President of Research and Development, Dr. Joshua Plant. In addition to his new identifications of essential oils, he will describe new findings on the benefits of Moringa oleifera, a highly nutritious plant that is the basis of many of Zija’s products.
The training will be held on Thursday, February 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the Lehi, Utah, Thanksgiving Point Amber Room. The featured speakers are Zija’s Vice President of Research and Development, Dr. Joshua Plant, Zija’s Director of North American Sales, Jarom Dastrup, and some of Zija’s high-ranking Distributors, Mike McClean, John McGarry, McKenna Gordon and Jon and Daniela Raynes. For more information and details regarding the event, click HERE.
About Zija International
Zija International, a privately held and privately funded business founded by Kenneth E. Brailsford and run by Rodney Larsen, develops natural health, wellness, nutrition and fitness products. The company operates