Preiscoin Names Alberto Conconi As Country Manager For Italy

Swiss based Preiscoin announced today the appointment of Alberto Conconi as their new country manager for Italy.
Alberto Conconi, 32 years old, was born and raised in Como near Milan. He studied Conservation of Cultural Assets at Università degli Studi in Milan and Agronomy at Università Marconi in Rome.
He became a salesman at his father’s garden shop at the age of 18 and soon was selling pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides to gardeners, golf courses and sports fields in Italy. Several years later he got involved in network marketing with a health and wellness company and direct selling soon became his new passion.
Over the years he has built downlines first in Herbalife and then in Organo Gold.
Jacek Dudzic, CEO Preiscoin stated:

“Alberto Conconi has extensive experience in sales and his list of the achievements includes also buidling a large MLM organisation in a very short time.
We are thrilled to bring his success to our team and look forward to expand our company in Italy fast”.

About Preiscoin
Preiscoin Group AG is based out of Switzerland that offers the Preiscoin (PRS), an alternative digital currency based on the Bitcoin protocol. Preiscoin offers 4% residual commissions on every sale down to 7 levels in


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