Kiplinger Says Direct-Selling Is One Of 5 Ways To Make More Money In 2015

Of the many strategies to get ahead financially in 2015, one surefire approach is to make more money. You might be thinking that’s easier said than done. But it isn’t as hard as it might seem, considering the multitude of cash-generating opportunities.
In fact, here are five great ways to put more money in your wallet this year.
Ask for a raise. If you’re an employee, the obvious way to earn extra cash is to ask for it – if you deserve it, that is. So before you barge into your supervisor’s office demanding more money, build a strong case for a raise. Prepare a list of your accomplishments and how they’ve benefited the company, especially its bottom line.
Note any responsibilities you’ve taken on beyond your job description. And get comparable salaries for workers in your position from Web sites such as and Then schedule a time to meet with your boss to present your case. For more tips, including what to do if you’re turned down, see How to Make a Strong Case for a Raise.
Try direct sales. If you have the entrepreneurial itch and want to earn extra cash, you can start a side business selling anything from cookware to clothing to home decor to, yes,


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