Visalus’ 3-Star Ambassador & New $1 Million Lifetime Earner Neil Bellville On Not Quitting

Perhaps just as strong as Neil Bellville’s ‘Why’ is his favorite saying: “It’s always too early to quit.” It’s a powerful motivational force that has led this 3-Star Ambassador to achieve over $1 million in lifetime earnings with Vi.
In asking Neil about his success, and how his story embodies each of the three Vi Foundational Pillars of Life, Health & Prosperity.
On Prosperity
To put things in perspective, what took Neil 14 years to make a little over a million in the industry took him just four years to make a million with Vi. He credits his success to his passionate team dedicated toChallenging the World… 10 lbs. at a Time.
“I was taught a long time ago that it takes teamwork to make dream work,” said Neil. In fact, he values his team so much that helping them achieve their goals is way more important than his.
He also believes in Vi events and the impact they’ve had on his life and business—whether it’s on a local, regional or national level. “I do not miss an event, period. It’s the #1 belief-building tool that we can have. It’s filled with positive energy from likeminded people. There’s nothing else that will build the belief tank like an


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