QNET Morocco Ranks Among Top 10 Markets

According to a recent report by the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), the direct sales industry in Morocco generated revenues of approximately $ 12 million in 2013 The awareness of the direct sales industry and profits have increased the number of participants in this important sector to reach the figure of 87 000 of these participants, QNET, an Asian company that specializes in direct sales, just announced an increase in claims and signs of recovery direct selling industry in Morocco, which is now one of the most important markets in the Middle East and North Africa. Note that Morocco was also ranked at the end of the second quarter of 2014 in the top ten markets in the region QNET.
Speaking of the overall performance of the Moroccan market, Khaled Diab, Regional Director of the company QNET for the Middle East, said: “After the success of QNET in Egypt, the company wanted to expand in North Africa. Last year we held our regional conference in Marrakech, with 3,000 delegates from across the region. During the same year, we organized several training courses and seminars to help retailers provide an accurate explanation of the company’s products and to clarify its


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