Thomas Nordlund – Sitetalk & Unaico Field Leader Passed Away

Thomas Nordlund was one of the major field leaders in Site Talk – Unaico – OPN and the majortiy of the members has been in his team.
In the Top MLM Networker Poll 2013 he ended on the first place together with his son Kenny Nordlund with 20,000+ votes.
Sitetalk management stated in 2012:
“During the past years we have had enormous help from Kenny and Thomas Nordlund in their roles as Network Directors.
This has, however, come at the expense of other areas, and we are now pleased to announce that these areas will again be the focus of the company.
The amount of hours Kenny and Thomas have put into their roles as network directors cannot be calculated, but we do know that very few people would have been able to do it.
Thomas and Kenny will both take a step back from the management of the company in order to truly focus on the building of the network. They have requested this change for a while, and we have now agreed that they will do more in the next phase of the company in their new roles. It is very important that everyone understands how relevant they are for the company


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