Japan To Host Exciting Talk Fusion Leader Tour

Talk Fusion Associates and Top Leaders from across the globe will soon gather in Japan for another inspirational Leader Tour! Events will be held on August 23 in Shinagawa, Tokyo and August 29 in Sendai.
With exciting Business Opportunity Presentations, Diamond and Up dinner gala and empowering testimonials in store, this Leader Tour will be an abundance of networking opportunities and inspiration.
Hosted by Blue Diamond Yasuko Takakura, Diamond Elites Yukio Sato and Hitomi Shinzato, Triple Diamond Atsushi Torii and Double Diamond Nobuyoshi Takeyama, Japan will be home to a fantastic summer event where the impact of Talk Fusion’s Business Opportunity, combined with our passionate company culture, will be evident to all in attendance.
Talk Fusion’s strong community of innovators and dream-weavers enhances the spirit and success of Leader Tour Events. In Japan, some of the company’s most accomplished individuals will mingle with up-and-coming Associates who share similar dreams and aspirations.
Attendees can look forward to hearing heart-felt testimonials from Presidential Blue Diamonds Minh & Julie Ho, Grand Blue Diamond Ron Wright and Blue Diamond Cedric Penn. This remarkable group of Special Guests will both motivate and enlighten the crowd, sharing stories and work ethics of great strength.

For Diamond Elite Hitomi Shinzato,


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